Port Details
- Latitude: 40º 56' 00 N
- Longitude: 24º 24' 40 E
- Port type: Passenger
- Port size: Medium
- Cruise Passengers per year: 6,042
- Harbour type: Coastal Breakwater
- Harbour size: Small
- Opening hours: from 00:00 to 00:00
- Restrictions on arrival/departure time: NO
- Entrance channel Orientation: East
- Entrance channel Width: 240 m
- Entrance channel Draught: 16 m
Holds approved PFSP: YES
Port's IMO number: GRKVA-0003
Security Contact Person Name: Argyropoulos George
Security Contact Person Title: P.F.S.O.
Security Contact Person Phone: 30 6944772163
Security Contact Person Email: info@portkavala.gr
Number of Luggage Scanners:: 0
Number of Hand Luggage Scanners: 0
Number of Metal Detectors: 4
Fences: YES
Shore Guards upon request: YES
- Port in Schengen area: YES
- Clearance time (Schengen): hours 0' - 10'
- Clearance time (Non Schengen): hours 10' - 60'
- All passports checked: YES
- All passports stamped: YES
- Passports to be collected prior to arrival
- Passengers may go ashore with ship's ID: NO
Ships' Dimensions (max)
- Length: 400 meters
- Width: 400 meters
- Draught: 10 meters
Quays and berthing info
- Ship stays minimum for: No restriction hours
- Ship stays maximum for: No restriction hours
- Number of quays: 2
- Total length of quays: 990 meters
- Quay's depth: 7-9 meters
- Number of passenger terminals: 1
- Available: YES
- Anchorage distance from the closest Terminal: 1 nautical miles
- Average Draught: 30 meters
- Compulsory: NO
Available Port Services
- Pilotage available: YES
- Pilotage Compulsory: NO
- Pilotage Advisable: NO
- Tugs available: YES
- Tugs compulsory: NO
- Number of available tugs :
- Tugs maximum power:
- Tugs Assist: YES
- Tugs Salvage: NO
- Notice required: NO
- Ship repair: NO
- Bank services at pier: NO
- Car parking available: NO
- :
- Water: YES
- Provisions: NO
Fuels at Piers
- HFO (heavy fuel oil): NO
- MGO (marine gasoil): NO
- MDO (marine diesel oil): NO
- IFO (intermediate fuel oil): NO
Fuels using road tankers
- HFO (heavy fuel oil): NO
- MGO (marine gasoil): NO
- MDO (marine diesel oil): NO
- IFO (intermediate fuel oil): NO
- Garbage: YES
- Toxic/special waste: NO
- Bilge/sludge waters: YES
- Grey/black waters: NO
- Recycling facilities: NO
- Restrictions on washing the ship: YES
- Restrictions on painting the ship: YES
- Restrictions on the use of incinerators: YES
- Restrictions on the use of the whistle: NO